Vision Plans

Browse and Compare Options From From Over 50 Insurance Companies

  • Low prices
  • Quick & secure
  • Free no-obligation quote
Browse and compare options from
insurance companies

Unlock Potential Savings in 3 Easy Steps:

1. Set Preferences

Fill out your profile by answering a few simple questions. It only takes couple of minutes

2. Find Matches

Your answers are matched against insurance options and ranked using our proprietary IMX™ engine

3. Get Connected

We then show you results and connect you to our licensed insurance agent/broker partners

To contact a licensed insurance agent call:

 1-844-220-0844  (TTY 711)

calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

About Insurance Saver

InsuranceSaver is an online marketplace for Insurance products. From Health Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Life, Home, Vehicle, Travel and beyond—InsuranceSaver is the starting point for potential big savings and getting the right plan that best fits your needs.

Our goal is simple: we aim to help you navigate through the challenging decisions of insurance plan selection and to help you find the most affordable plans based on your specific preferences and needs. InsuranceSaver is a marketplace where insurance companies and licensed insurance agents compete for your business, which translates into potential value and savings to you.

Our proprietary IMX™ recommendation engine is a machine learning algorithmic engine that uses your profile to show you options that may be a good match. We then connect you to one or more of our broker/licensed insurance agent partners either through the phone or web.