Health Insurance Plans

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Comprehensive Plans

Individual and Family Comprehensive Plans are plans issued by private health insurance carriers, and offer a variety of plan and coverage options. Your solution for Health Insurance if you don't have access to employer sponsored coverage.

Short-Term Plans

Short-term plans are often referred to as "just-in-case" plans meant for unexpected emergency coverage for those who recently lost coverage, but are expecting to regain employer coverage in the near future.

To contact a licensed insurance agent call:

 1-844-220-0844  (TTY 711)

calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Tips to Save on Health Insurance

Do you need to find affordable and comprehensive health insurance for yourself and your family? If so, you should know that over 20 million Americans buy their own major medical plans. Sometimes, people need to seek coverage because their employer doesn't offer health benefits or simply because they want more comprehensive health insurance than their employer provides.

Because of this large market, plenty of top insurers want to compete for your business. These key tips can help you make the right choices save money on robust medical plans.

Six Tips That Will Help You Save Money on Comprehensive Health Insurance

Insurers base their premiums upon several criteria. These include, the applicant's ZIP code, age, plan type, and level of benefits. For example, a more comprehensive health insurance plan will generally cost more than basic coverage. For the same plan and the same covered individuals, you will never pay more because of the source of your health insurance plan.

For example, you can buy directly from the health insurance company or a licensed broker and pay exactly the same amount. Brokers can help you compare a variety of high-quality health insurance plans, so you won't be limited to just one company.

Beyond understanding that you won't have to pay more by working with a health insurance agent, these tips should help you save money on the comprehensive health insurance that you need:

  1. Find coverage tailored to your needs: You'll only be satisfied with your plan if it provides comprehensive health insurance coverage for services your family may require. For instance, a young and relatively healthy family with children may be most concerned with periodic checkups, required shots, and occasional visits to urgent care. Think about the kinds of health services you commonly seek to try to anticipate what you'll need in the future.
  2. Avoid plans with excess benefits you won't care about: Nobody can predict every health issue their family will have in the future. On the other hand, some benefits may not reduce out-of-pocket expenses that much or are very unlikely to get used. For example, most plans help pay for typical generic medications, but you may not care to pay extra for robust coverage of specialized, brand-name drugs.
  3. Verify you have comprehensive coverage for important services: You won't be happy if important services are included but not covered very well. One common example might include limits on certain outpatient charges. Typical visits to an ER might range from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars. On the other hand, CNN Business reported that one trip to an emergency room for a bee sting cost a patient $12,000.
  4. Check network providers: Managed care plans, like HMOs and PPOs, do a very good job of controlling costs for plan members and insurance companies. Just make certain that your preferred doctors and hospitals are in the network. If you don't visit a network provider, your plan may limit benefits or even not pay at all. Managed care plans typically make exceptions for emergencies, but you need to make sure that the insurer's definition of an emergency is the same as yours.
  5. Consult an insurance broker who can help interpret the fine print: When you shop for comprehensive health insurance, you may see a lot of terms that you're not familiar with. A broker will explain deductibles, copays, out-of-pocket limits, and other important policy terms to you.
  6. Don't just consider premiums: You should consider premiums as only part of the cost of healthcare. You also need to balance the price of health insurance against out-of-pocket costs in the form of copays, deductibles, and cost sharing. More comprehensive health insurance plans will cost more, but they can also save you money with very robust benefits. You don't want to save a few dollars on your monthly premium and risk paying thousands more in medical bills or having trouble finding the network healthcare providers you need.

Find the Comprehensive Health Insurance That's Best for You

How do you find comprehensive health insurance that will ensure access to good medical providers and help offset the cost of medical care? You can get help shopping for medical plans from an experienced broker. These professionals can help you compare a variety of health insurance plans, companies, and benefit levels. You already know that you won't pay more for this kind of service.

Begin your search for comprehensive health insurance here at Our innovative recommendation engine starts by asking a few simple questions. Based upon your answers, the intelligent system will match you with the best brokers. You can choose between the most affordable and comprehensive health insurance plans, based upon your preferences; however, you're never under any obligation to buy. In addition to individual and family health insurance, you can also look for Medicare, dental, and vision plans.

Sources: KFF, CNN Business

To contact a licensed insurance agent call:

 1-844-220-0844  (TTY 711)

calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

About Insurance Saver

InsuranceSaver is an online marketplace for Insurance products. From Health Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Life, Home, Vehicle, Travel and beyond—InsuranceSaver is the starting point for potential big savings and getting the right plan that best fits your needs.

Our goal is simple: we aim to help you navigate through the challenging decisions of insurance plan selection and to help you find the most affordable plans based on your specific preferences and needs. InsuranceSaver is a marketplace where insurance companies and licensed insurance agents compete for your business, which translates into potential value and savings to you.

Our proprietary IMX™ recommendation engine is a machine learning algorithmic engine that uses your profile to show you options that may be a good match. We then connect you to one or more of our broker/licensed insurance agent partners either through the phone or web.